学习资料 2021-03-18 407
中考英语作文对一些考生来说是最让他们头痛的,为了帮助大家提高英语作文写作水平,学大教育小编为大家带来了2019中考英语作文素材:探望我的朋友 Visiting My Friend,相信对大家的中考英语作文成绩提高会有很大的帮助。
Liu Ying is my best friend. She has been iii for three days.In the afternoon, I went to see her. She told me she was sent to the hospital by her parents this morning.The doctor looked her over'carefully, gave her some medicine and asked her to stay in bed for a few days.She thought she wouldn't go to school until next week.I asked her to have a good rest at home and not to worry about her lessons. I would help her with her lessons.
推荐阅读 初三英语作文范文【Visiting My Friend】 初一英语作文范文:我的舞台 My Stage 2019中考英语作文素材:繁忙的周末 busy weekend 2019中考英语作文素材:早餐还是午餐 Breakfast or lunch 2019中考英语作文素材:兴趣爱好 hobbies 2019中考英语作文素材:保护环境 protect the environment
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上一条: 2019中考英语作文素材:做三明治 Making sandwiches 下一条: 2019中考英语词汇:secretary中文翻译_音标_例句参考